En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Sketchosaurus: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Servicios cercanos a Sketchosaurus Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Ocio y Deporte Alpinismo - 54mCamp Rock Camp Rock [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Moonlight Madness T 5.8 **,
Target Practice S 5.10b *,
Dave's Crack T 5.6 *,
Grain Scoop TR 5.9 **,
Oso Paws Left S 5.10a ***, Alpinismo - 299mIncinerator Wall Incinerator Wall [Rock Climbing Sport],
Burning Man S 5.9 **,
Fire it Up S 5.10a ***,
Fire Walker T 5.10a *,
Crematorium S 5.12d ***,
Incinerator, The S 5.12a ****, Alpinismo - 297mMoonshine Dome Moonshine Dome [Rock Climbing Trad],
Mule Kick T 5.8 ***,
Prohibited T 5.7 **,
Skull Cracker T 5.8 *,
Cool Water T 5.7 *, Alpinismo - 279mLost Orbit East - Left Lost Orbit [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
Grin and Bear It T 5.10a *,
Sloping Beauty S 5.10b **,
Angry Inch, The S 5.10d ***,
Longest Yard, The S 5.10a/b ***,
Silly Millimeter S 5.10b ***,
Call Me Ishmael T 5.9 ***,
Stand Up Comedy S 5.10c ***,
Worm Hole T 5.6 Alpinismo - 294mHolcomb Valley Pinnacles Prarie Squid Wall Alpinismo - 244mLost Orbit East - Right Lost Orbit [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
You Know What I'm Going To Do To You? T 5.10a**,
Road Crew S 5.12a ****,
Lost Highway S 5.11a ***,
Lost Orbit S 5.10c ***,
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream S 5.11a ***,
Sundown on Venus S 5.10b **,
Lunar E Alpinismo - 178mProwler Rocks South Prowler Rock [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
Audie T 5.8 *,
Tubbie S 5.10a ***,
Luna Tick S 5.8 ***,
Trail of Tiers S 5.11c/d ***,
George's Big Adventure S 5.7 ***,
Donnie Party S 5.6 **, Alpinismo - 166mProwler Rocks North Prowler Rock [Rock Climbing Sport],
Prowler, The S 5.12b *, Alpinismo - 195mCoyote Crag Coyote Crag [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Black Magic Poodle S 5.9 ***,
Golden Spike S 5.10b/c ***,
High Noon S 5.10b ***,
Hootenanny T 5.10a ***,
Golden Poodle S 5.9+ ***,
Pass the Bucket T 5.8 PG13 ***,
Coyotes at Sunset S 5.8 ***,
Bye Crackie S 5. Alpinismo - 214mMad Cow Wall Mad Cow Wall [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Branding Iron T 5.10a **,
Black Angus T 5.10a *,
March of Dimes S 5.11a ***,
Wild Kingdom S 5.10a ***,
Cowdura T 5.10b *,
Bovine Eyes TR 5.11a *,
Down with the Herd S 5.10d ***,
Gorilla Tape S 5.8 *, Alpinismo - 227mSkyy Slab Skyy Slab [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Naughty Pine S 5.6 **,
Skyy Pilot S 5.9 **,
Liquid Courage T 5.5 *,
A Midsummer's Night Seam S 5.7 **,
Firewater S 5.5 *,
Rotgut T 5.8 *,
Here's Mud in Your Eye TR 5.10a **,
Master of Cylinders T 5.5 *, Alpinismo - 195mTombstone Pit Tombstone Pit Alpinismo - 175mGold Wall Gold Wall [Rock Climbing Sport and trad],
Gold Bug S 5.8 **,
Flash for Hash T 5.8 *,
Hidden Gold S 5.7 **,
Gold Standard S 5.6 ***, Alpinismo - 164mDoc Holliday Wall Doc Holliday Wall [Rock Climbing Sport and Top Rope],
Skyline Pillar S 5.7 **,
Quick on the Draw S 5.10d ***,
Pistol Pete S 5.10a/b ****,
Doc's Holiday S 5.10d ****,
Unforgiven S 5.11b ***,
Far Beyond Driven S 5.10b *,
Loose Women, Loose Rock T 5.9+ **, Alpinismo - 198mGunsmoke Wall The Amphitheater [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Triple Decker T 5.7 **,
Long Branch S 5.10a *,
Powderhorn S 5.10a ***,
Black Powder T 5.7 **,
Smokin' the Rock S 5.10b ***,
Narcotic Prayer TR 5.11a *,
Finger Crimping Good S 5.11c ***,
Drug of Choice S 5.12a Alpinismo - 188mThunderbird Wall Thunderbird Wall [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad, Top Rope],
Hot Wing S 5.10b ***,
Deer Lick T 5.10a **,
Fawnskin S 5.10b ***,
High Plains Drifter T 5.10a ***,
Bird of Prey S 5.8+ ***,
A Thunder of Drums TR 5.8 *,
Last Call for Alcohol T 5.7 **,
Thunderbird S 5.9 **, Alpinismo - 210mPistol Whipped Wall Pistol Whipped Wall [Rock Climbing Trad, Toprope, Sport],
Dangling Derelict T 5.10a **,
Hang 'Em High TR 5.10d *,
Ricochet S 5.10a ***,
Peacemaker, The S 5.11b/c ***,
Shootin' Blanks S 5.10b **,
Showdown, The S 5.11d ****,
Pistol Whipped S 5.11a ***,
A Good Day to Di Alpinismo - 296mMotherlode East Motherlode Rock [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
Cap Gun T 5.1 *,
Blasting Cap S 5.4 **,
Wildrose S 5.7 **,
Prospector, The S 5.8 ***,
Fire in the Hole S 5.10a ***,
Fools Gold T 5.6 **,
Golden Nugget S 5.10a ***,
Motherlode S 5.11b **,
Golden Gloves S 5.11b *,
Lode Alpinismo - 271mMotherlode Rock West Motherlode Rock [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
Highgrader S 5.11a **,
Stake Your Claim S 5.10d ***,
Mighty Quinn S 5.10c ***,
Long Arm of The Law S 5.11a ***,
Scofflaw Variation S 5.10b ***,
Good Day for a Hangin' S 5.10c **,
Funkadelia T 5.9 *,
Reach for the Sky S Alpinismo - 376mParking Lot Rock Parking Lot Rock [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
Two Cams are Better Than None T 5.10a ***,
Smoke and Mirrors S 5.10a **,
Jedi Magic S 5.11a *,
Sleight of Hand T 5.6 *,
Nice Cleavage T 5.6 **,
Cling Plus S 5.11c ***,
Five O'Clock Shadow S 5.11b **,
Leech Master T 5.7 Alpinismo - 304mWilbur's Tombstone Wilbur's Tombstone [Rock Climbing Sport, Trad],
What a Woman S 5.9 ***,
Pumped Up Woman T 5.8 ***,
Rap Bolters Will Be Prosecuted T 5.8 **,
Wilburs Turning in His Grave S 5.10a *,
Killed by Death S 5.10b ***,
Takes a Thief T 5.11a R ***, Alpinismo - 329mGreen Lichen Boulder Green Lichen Boulder [Rock Climbing Bouldering],
Green Lichen Boulder Left V0- **,
Green Lichen Boulder Center V1 ***,
Green Lichen Boulder Right V0 ***, Alpinismo - 371mNorth Parking Lot North Parking Log Boulders [Rock Climbing Bouldering],
Jabba's Tail V1+ *,
Jabba's Tail Extension V3 **,
Jabba the Hut V2 ***,
Unknown V2+ V2+ **,
Unknown V3-4 V3-4 **