En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Jackson Street: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Jackson Street Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil auto compartido - 310mLake Merritt BART - City CarShare 8th Street Aparcamientos - 80m - 10th Street, 211 Aparcamientos - 397mPublic Parking 12th Street Aparcamientos - 290m - 12th Street Aparcamientos - 307m - - Emperor Supply Inc 10th Street Aparcamientos - 345m - - acceso privado 11th Street Aparcamientos - 393m - Harrison Street, 715 Aparcamientos - 290m - 6th Street Aparcamientos - 285m - 10th Street Aparcamientos - 373m - - acceso privado 6th Street Aparcamientos - 368m - 13th Street Aparcamientos - 348m - 12th Street Aparcamientos - 317m - 7th Street Aparcamientos - 142m - 10th Street, 151 Aparcamientos - 286m - Madison Street, 1011;1013 Aparcamientos - 389m - - acceso privado 5th Street Aparcamientos - 135m - Alice Street, 814;816 Aparcamientos - 84m - 9th Street Aparcamientos - 127m - 9th Street Aparcamientos - 174m - 8th Street, 213 Aparcamientos - 207m - 8th Street, 227 Aparcamientos - 214m - 8th Street Aparcamientos - 249m - 9th Street, 275 Aparcamientos - 342m - 7th Street Aparcamientos - 298mEast Bay Parking - de pago Harrison Street, 726 Taller de Automóvil - 305mChinatown Smog & Repair Station Harrison Street, 800 Taller de Automóvil - 321mOakland Auto Body 11th Street, 149 Taller de Automóvil - 308mGeorge V. Arth & Son 10th Street, 102 Gasolineras, Estaciones de servicio - 313m76 Harrison Street, 800 Entradas a parking - 429m - 10th StreetComercio Supermercado - 149mHometown Grocery 10th Street, 241 Supermercado - 202mWon Kee Supermarket 8th Street, 213 Supermercado - 187mhk outlets 10th Street, 178 94607 Bazar - 164mChoice Korner 10th Street, 188 Bazar - 316m76 Harrison Street, 800 Bricolage - 171mOrient Building Materials Supply 10th Street, 151 Bricolage - 293mSincere Home Decor 11th Street tienda de fotografía - 228mColor City Photo 8th Street, 251 Ropa - 417mNew World Fashion 10th Street, 301;307 Regalos - 432mGift Ichiban 10th Street, 301;307 Zapatería - 580mShoe House 9th Street Floristería - 367mMoonstar Florist 11th Street, 288 salón de belleza - 593mVee Cosmetics Webster Street Peluquería - 383mDavid's Hair Design Harrison Street Panadería - 323mTom's Bakery 9th Street antigüedades - 180mEast Bay Antique Mall 10th Street, 247 Frutería - 178mSun Yuen Hang 10th Street, 247 Frutería - 384mNew Tin's Market Harrison Street, 715 suministros médicos - 381mOakland Medical Supply Harrison Street, 823 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00; Sa 10:00-14:00 fotocopias - 441mMoment Invitations and Printing Harrison Street, 1035 alfombras - 401mNew Arts Carpet 8th Street, 312 Muebles - 285mChao's Rosewood Furniture 8th Street, 279;281 tienda de comercio - 271mEmperor Supply Inc 10th Street, 113 Teléfono: +1-510-832-8888 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 7:00-17:00; Sa 8:00-17:00 mariscos - 285mSincere Seafood Inc Alice Street, 1115 94607 Oakland Teléfono: +1-510-833-3963 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 09:00-17:00 Ferretería - 295mWyse Lighting & Hardware Inc. Alice Street, 1115 Joyería - 525mKim Thanh Jewelry Webster Street, 940 herboristería - 562mDraline Tong Herbs Webster Street Limpieza en seco - 377mLees Co 8th Street, 312Otros office-yes - 504mHuman Impact Partners 12th Street, 302 tienda de comestibles - 741mNatures Finest 14th Street, 144 Oakland office-association - 443mOakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center (ODALC) Harrison Street shop-retail - 236mChong Long Market 8th Street, 251 shop-retail - 265mThe Present Houseware & Gift 8th Street, 279;281 shop-retail - 246mLa Belle Vie 10th Street, 259 oficinas de instituciones educativas - 409mBest in Class Education Center 10th Street, 301;307 shop-phone - 500mVerison 9th Street, 346 prep_school - 87mKumon 10th Street, 211 94607 Oakland shop-spa - 457mYa Ya Health Spa Harrison Street, 1035 shop-watch_repair - 489mFriendly Watch Repair 10th Street, 320;324;328 shop-nails - 649mMichelle' Nails 12th Street, 357 shop-market - 425mR & R Food Co 8th Street, 320;322;324;326;328;330 shop-alterations - 452mMe Land Station 8th Street oficinas gubernamentales - 560mAlameda County Administration Building Oak Street, 1221 Refugios - 362m - 7th Street sport-four_square - 100m - 9th Street sport-four_square - 325m - 11th Street sport-four_square - 230m - Alice Street sport-four_square - 105m - 8th Street ticket_validator - 370m - - de pago 9th Street, 51 ticket_validator - 375m - - de pago Oak Street Mercados - 518mYuen Hop Company & Asian Food Products Webster Street, 824 Toilets - 83m - 8th Street Papeleras - 170m - Madison Street Papeleras - 175m - Madison Street Máquinas de vending - 187m - Madison Street sport-hopscotch - 102m - 9th Street sport-hopscotch - 103m - 9th Street oficinas de organizaciones no gubernamentales - 166mHack the Hood 9th Street shop-bedding - 668mSummit Silk Bedding 11th Street, 370 senior_center - 407mFamily Bridges Hong Lok Senior Center Harrison Street, 640 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Jackson Street