En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de East West Bank Plaza at The Broad: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a East West Bank Plaza at The Broad Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Restauración Comida rápida - 98mSubway South Grand Avenue, 255 90012 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213-621-1602 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 07:00-24:00; Sa-Su 08:00-24:00 Comida rápida - 144mChipotle South Grand Avenue, 255 90012 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213-335-5025 Comida rápida - 195mMendocino Farms West 3rd Street Comida rápida - 247mSubway West 1st Street, 704 90012 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213-625-2224 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-21:00; Sa-Su 09:00-21:00 Comida rápida - 164mSafron West 3rd Street Comida rápida - 131mLemonade South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 305mPoké Bar South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 273mAsiago South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 302mGeorges Greek Grill South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 297mEarl of Sandwich South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 292mMixt S Grand Ave, 350 Comida rápida - 253mPressed Juicery South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 201mDans Deli West 3rd Street Comida rápida - 194mFirenza Pizza West 3rd Street Comida rápida - 312mShake Shack South Grand Avenue Comida rápida - 184mSalata West 3rd Street Cafeterías - 171mCorner Bakery West 3rd Street Cafeterías - 352mStarbucks South Grand Avenue, 350 90071 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213-626-0466 Cafeterías - 250mWalt Disney Concert Hall Café South Grand Avenue Cafeterías - 197mLucky's Coffee Roasters West 3rd Street Cafeterías - 213mBarista Society West 3rd Street Cafeterías - 228mFor Five Coffee Roasters Coffee South Grand Avenue Cafeterías - 274mLobby Cafe S Grand Ave, 333 Cafeterías - 186mColburn Café West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way Restaurantes - 43mVespaio East West Bank Plaza at The Broad Teléfono: +1 213-221-7244 Restaurantes - 69mOtium South Hope Street, 222 90012 Los Angeles Restaurantes - 288mPatina South Grand Avenue Restaurantes - 352mCalifornia Pizza Kitchen South Grand Avenue Restaurantes - 371mBlue Cow South Grand Avenue Restaurantes - 368mNick & Stef's Steakhouse South Hope Street Restaurantes - 249mÂu Lạc West 1st Street, 704 Restaurantes - 250mBak's Kitchen West 1st Street, 704 Restaurantes - 191mGrand Café West 3rd Street Restaurantes - 206mNoe Restaurant & Bar Olive Street, 251 Restaurantes - 230mNoe South Olive Street Bares - 670mThe Mullin Wine Bar Jerry Moss Plaza Pubs - 521mGolden Road Brewery South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1-213-628-3336Otros Toilets - 546m - - acceso público South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles Inside Grand Central Market and down a set of stairs are bathrooms Fuentes - 180m - West General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way Fuentes - 342m - South Grand Avenue Fuentes - 278m - Hope Street Fuentes - 240mA Rose for Lilly South Hope Street oficinas de organizaciones no gubernamentales - 156mAlfred E. Mann Los Angeles Philharmonic Center West 2nd Street Agua potable - 315m - South Olive Street Máquinas de vending - 137m - South Hope Street office-lawyer - 386mWest coast trial lawyers South Grand Avenue, 350 90071 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1-888-341-9802 Email: info@westcoasttriallawyers.com wedding_chapel - 610mGuadalupe Wedding Chapel South Broadway shop-spices - 550mChiles Secos South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles Mercados - 578mGrand Central Market - acceso público South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213 359 6007 Email: info@grandcentralmarket.com Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 08:00-21:00 shop-cheese - 557mDTLA Cheese South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles Venta de Helados - 613mMcConnell's South Broadway, 317 90013 Los Angeles whirlpool - 339m - - acceso privado South Flower Street office-yes - 567mDaum South Figueroa Street, 123 office-financial_advisor - 394mCharles Schwab South Grand Avenue office-company - 738mBenchmark Resolution Group West 5th Street, 633 90071 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1-213-622-1002 Email: info@benchmarkresolution.com With only the most accomplished neutrals from across California, we are setting the new standard for dispute resolution services. office-accountant - 742mThomas Neches & Company West 5th Street, 633 90071 Los Angeles Teléfono: +1 213-624-8150 Email: tmn@thomasneches.com office-telecommunication - 591m - South Grand Avenue, 420 90071 Los Angeles