En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de East Santa Clara Street: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a East Santa Clara Street Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Aparcamientos - 74m - South 8th Street, 18 Aparcamientos - 374m - - acceso privado Aparcamientos - 313m - - acceso privado East Saint John Street, 272 Aparcamientos - 266m - East Santa Clara Street Aparcamientos - 218m - South 7th Street, 60 Aparcamientos - 220m - North 8th Street, 75 Aparcamientos - 80mGolden Plaza East Santa Clara Street, 329 Aparcamientos - 145m - North 9th Street Aparcamientos - 93m - East Santa Clara Street, 374 Aparcamientos - 129m - South 9th Street, 23 Aparcamientos - 126m - - gratuito South 7th Street, 22 Aparcamientos - 324m - - acceso privado North 9th Street, 127 Aparcamientos - 314mNorth Parking Garage - San Jose State University - acceso público - de pago South 10th Street Entradas a parking - 203m - South 9th Street, 20 Entradas a parking - 309m - South 9th Street Entradas a parking - 285m - South 9th Street plaza de aparcamiento - 276m - plaza de aparcamiento - 310m - East Santa Clara Street, 260 plaza de aparcamiento - 377m - El Paseo de Cesar E. Chavez plaza de aparcamiento - 374m - El Paseo de Cesar E. Chavez Taller de Automóvil - 464mTownsend’s Automotive East Saint John Street, 247 95112 San Jose Gasolineras, Estaciones de servicio - 383m7-Eleven East Santa Clara Street, 452 aparcamiento de motos - 295m - East San Fernando StreetComercio Ropa - 153mSpirit Bros. East Santa Clara Street, 304 95112 San Jose Ropa - 313mLove Fashion East Santa Clara Street, 447 95112 San Jose Joyería - 124mJoyería Torres Incorporated East Santa Clara Street, 314 95112 San Jose shop-vacant - 128m - East Santa Clara Street, 301 95113 San Jose shop-vacant - 142m - East Santa Clara Street, 398 95113 San Jose shop-vacant - 394m - East Santa Clara Street, 229 95113 San Jose Telefonía móvil - 96mCricket Wireless East Santa Clara Street, 326 95112 San Jose Telefonía móvil - 202mMetro by T-Mobile East Santa Clara Street, 400 95112 San Jose Telefonía móvil - 130mPhone Repair Center East Santa Clara Street, 314 95112 San Jose Limpieza en seco - 43mArt Cleaners East Santa Clara Street, 354 95113 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-293-4900 Muebles - 217mContempo Furniture East Santa Clara Street, 405 95113 San Jose Peluquería - 65mThanh Thanh South 8th Street, 18 95112 San Jose Peluquería - 318mBraid It Up! East Santa Clara Street, 448 95113 San Jose Peluquería - 259mLicursi’s East Santa Clara Street, 421 95113 San Jose Peluquería - 73mThe Barbers Inc. - Barbers Barbershops LLC East Santa Clara Street, 332 95112 San Jose Peluquería - 311mMiskarie Hair Salon East Santa Clara Street, 268 95113 San Jose Sastre - 403mKathy's Alterations & Cleaners East Santa Clara Street, 227 95113 San Jose tienda de música - 257mNeedle to the Groove East Santa Clara Street, 424 95112 San Jose Floristería - 55mTình Thương Flowers South 8th Street, 18 Floristería - 130mFlowers By Ivy East Santa Clara Street, 392 95113 San Jose salón de belleza - 226mKB Beauty Salon East Santa Clara Street, 412 95112 San Jose tienda de fotografía - 149mFoto Express East Santa Clara Street, 304 95112 San Jose Teléfono: +1 408 971 3977 Librería - 665mSJSU Book Store fotocopias - 723mAS Print Shop and Computer Services Center 9th Street Mall Supermercado - 247mGrocery Outlet East Santa Clara Street, 272 95113 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-477-8350 Horario de apertura: 07:00-22:00 servicios funerarios - 409mDarling & Fischer Garden Chapel - Darling & Fischer East Santa Clara Street, 471 95112 San Jose Bazar - 391m7-Eleven East Santa Clara Street, 452 95112 San JoseRestauración Comida rápida - 151mThai Chili Express East Santa Clara Street, 304 95112 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-816-8479 Comida rápida - 324mLee’s Sandwiches East Santa Clara Street, 260 95112 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-286-8808 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00,Sa-Su 09:00-19:00 Comida rápida - 316mPeanuts Deluxe Cafe East San Fernando Street, 275 95112 San Jose Comida rápida - 331mOsheyo East San Fernando Street, 273 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 35mCơm Gà Nam An East Santa Clara Street, 348 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 95mKali Noodles & Tea Bar East Santa Clara Street, 374 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 38mThe Last Round East Santa Clara Street, 354 95113 San Jose Restaurantes - 121mTofoo Cơm Chay East Santa Clara Street, 388 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 129mRestaurante El Conrro East Santa Clara Street, 301 95113 San Jose Restaurantes - 329mNew Tung Kee East Santa Clara Street, 264 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 144mTostadas East Santa Clara Street, 304 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 147mSunny Island BBQ East Santa Clara Street, 304 95113 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-564-7287 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 10:30-21:30; Sa 12:00-21:30 Restaurantes - 106mPunjab Cafe East Santa Clara Street, 322 95112 San Jose Restaurantes - 365mCurry On - Curry On Company East Santa Clara Street, 235 95113 San Jose Restaurantes - 130mPhở Passion East Santa Clara Street, 301 95113 San Jose Cafeterías - 325mVegan Donut & Cafe East Santa Clara Street, 449 95112 San Jose Cafeterías - 383mTea Village East Santa Clara Street, 231 95113 San Jose Bares - 665mSJSU Bar (coming soon) zona de comedor - 606mUnion Square Dining - Student Union, Incorporated Washington Square, 1 95192 San JoseOtros events_venue - 521mEngineering Balcony El Paseo de Cesar E. Chavez Mercados - 83mUrban Kiosk East Santa Clara Street, 330 95112 San Jose office-estate_agent - 78mValley View Realty South 8th Street, 18 office-estate_agent - 127mNguyen Family LLC East Santa Clara Street, 314 95112 San Jose office-telecommunication - 228mAssurance Wireless East Santa Clara Street Tent offering signups for Lifeline Assistance (free government-provided cell phone). The tent has always been at this location regularly for years. dojo - 125mBảo Truyền East Santa Clara Street, 301 95113 San Jose sport-vovinam_viet_vo_dao - 125mBảo Truyền East Santa Clara Street, 301 95113 San Jose mist_spraying_cooler - 506m - East Santa Clara Street money_transfer - 85mGigante Express South 8th Street, 18 money_transfer - 124mJoyería Torres Incorporated East Santa Clara Street, 314 95112 San Jose office-tax_advisor - 90mTom Services South 8th Street, 18 shop-e-cigarette - 242m420 Smoke Shop East Santa Clara Street, 420 95112 San Jose office-vacant - 285m - East Santa Clara Street, 425 95112 San Jose letter_box - 323m - - acceso privado North 9th Street, 140 letter_box - 323m - - acceso privado North 9th Street, 140 oficinas gubernamentales - 429mCity Hall Tower South 6th Street Servicios Sociales - 584mJeanne D' Arc Manor - The John Stewart Company S 5th St, 85 95112 San Jose table - 359m - East San Fernando Street table - 370m - East San Fernando Street table - 368m - East San Fernando Street table - 364m - East San Fernando Street table - 368m - East San Fernando Street table - 363m - East San Fernando Street table - 362m - East San Fernando Street table - 365m - East San Fernando Street Papeleras - 326m - East Santa Clara Street, 438 sport-four_square - 255m - North 6th Street sport-four_square - 280m - North 6th Street sport-four_square - 256m - North 6th Street training - 67meChinese Learning East Santa Clara Street, 886 office-company - 297mJack LLC;JB Restaurant South 10th Street, 11 oficinas de organizaciones no gubernamentales - 165mSan José Peace & Justice Center South 7th Street, 48 95112 San Jose Teléfono: +1-408-297-2299 Email: sjpjc@sanjosepeace.org Teléfonos - 512m - East Saint James Street, 401 shop-locksmith - 580mToni’s Lock & Key East Saint James Street, 320 oficinas de instituciones educativas - 258mStudent Services Center - San José State University South 9th Street oficinas de agencias de empleo - 324mCareer Center East San Fernando Street office-university - 377mITS Computer Center - San José State University IT Services Reciclaje - 685m - Fuentes - 511m - East Santa Clara Street office-tutoring - 573mPhysics & Math East Saint James Street, 365 depósito de basura - 419m - East Santa Clara Street, 470 Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
East Santa Clara Street