En esta página puede encontrar un mapa de ubicación así como una relación de lugares y servicios disponibles en los alrededores de Cannery Row: Hoteles, restaurantes, instalaciones deportivas, centros de enseñanza, cajeros automáticos, supermercados, estaciones de servicio y más.
Edificios con nombre cercanos Servicios cercanos a Cannery Row Haga clic en la casilla de verificación situada a la izquierda del nombre del servicio para mostrar en el mapa la ubicación de los servicios seleccionados.
Automóvil Aparcamientos - 42m - Cannery Row Aparcamientos - 362m - - acceso público Wave Street, 601 93940 Aparcamientos - 348m - Foam Street Aparcamientos - 234m - McClellan Avenue Aparcamientos - 146m - - gratuito Cannery Row Aparcamientos - 80m - Wave Street, 550 Aparcamientos - 171m - Wave Street Aparcamientos - 269m - Monterey Bay Coastal Trail Aparcamientos - 88m - Cannery Row Aparcamientos - 171m - Cannery Row, 444 Aparcamientos - 150m - Cannery Row Aparcamientos - 106m - Wave Street Aparcamientos - 118m - Wave Street Aparcamientos - 116m - Wave Street Aparcamientos - 162m - Foam Street, 400 Aparcamientos - 229m - Foam Street Aparcamientos - 312m - Lighthouse Avenue, 398 Aparcamientos - 392m - Lighthouse Avenue, 399 Aparcamientos - 320m - Lighthouse Avenue, 402 Aparcamientos - 344m - Lighthouse Avenue, 296 Aparcamientos - 293m - Dickman Avenue Aparcamientos - 344m - Dickman Avenue Aparcamientos - 393m - Lighthouse Avenue Aparcamientos - 317m - - Recycled Records Lighthouse Avenue, 604 Aparcamientos - 382m - Lighthouse Avenue, 571 Aparcamientos - 379m - Lighthouse Avenue, 543 Aparcamientos - 266m - Hoffman Avenue Aparcamientos - 268m - Hoffman Avenue Aparcamientos - 208m - Foam Street Aparcamientos - 254m - Foam Street Aparcamientos - 286m - McClellan Avenue Aparcamientos - 165m - Foam Street, 498 Aparcamientos - 393m - Lighthouse Avenue, 471 Aparcamientos - 303m - Lighthouse Avenue Entradas a parking - 147m - Drake Avenue Entradas a parking - 377m - Wave Street, 601Comercio artesanía - 584mShen Design Studio Cannery Row, 750 93940 Monterey arte - 574mZ Folio Gallery Cannery Row, 750 93940 Monterey centro comercial - 279mCosentino Mall Lighthouse Avenue centro comercial - 376mSteinbeck Plaza Monterey Bay Coastal Trail centro comercial - 303m - Lighthouse Avenue, 402 centro comercial - 346m - Cannery Row centro comercial - 351m - Cannery Row, 660 93940 Regalos - 271mAfter the Quake Cannery Row, 643 93940 Regalos - 395mEnlightenment Zone Cannery Row Regalos - 393mMonterey Holistic Health Lighthouse Avenue, 623 Regalos - 358mLouie's Kitchen Store Cannery Row Regalos - 349mSand & Sea Cannery Row Ropa - 300mFashion Trade Lighthouse Avenue Ropa - 388mPebble Beach Outlet Cannery Row Ropa - 304mPlato's Closet Lighthouse Avenue, 402 93940 Monterey tienda de motocicletas - 469mMonterey Harley-Davidson Cannery Row Cannery Row vino - 257mThe Wine Experience Cannery Row, 381 confitería - 461mCandyland Cannery Row, 700 Joyería - 225mEuropean Jeweler & Goldsmith Cannery Row, 381 Electrónica - 210mComputer Corner Foam Street, 535 artículos de cocina - 394mMonterey Bay Restaurant Equipment Lighthouse Avenue, 497 93940 Peluquería - 270mAlchemy Salon Cannery Row Peluquería - 293mPistons & Pearls Hair and Barber Lighthouse Avenue, 530 Peluquería - 349mKk I Brows Threading Dickman Avenue mariscos - 232mSea Harvest Fish Market Hoffman Avenue salón de belleza - 170mIn Bloom Salon Foam Street, 498 salón de belleza - 384mTip N Toe Nail Salon Lighthouse Avenue, 623 salón de belleza - 304mTop Nails Lighthouse Avenue salón de belleza - 312mClassy Nails & Spa Monterey Ave Lighthouse Avenue, 404 93940 Monterey Teléfono: +1 831 643 9098 salón de belleza - 361mSahara Sun Tanning Lighthouse Avenue, 599 submarinismo - 347mBamboo Reef Scuba Diving Centers Lighthouse Avenue, 614 93940 Monterey Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa-Su 07:00-18:00 Librería - 319mMonterey Book Buyers - Used Book Store Lighthouse Avenue, 604 tatuajes - 232mIron Crown Tattoo Foam Street tienda erótica - 415mLove Etc. Lighthouse Avenue, 639 tienda - 114mWave Street Collective Wave Street, 550 Tienda de variedades - 344mThe Caboose Monterey Bay Coastal Trail tabaco - 327mVape & Cigar Smoke Shop Lighthouse Avenue tienda de alta fidelidad - 359mAxiom Home Tech Design Center Lighthouse Avenue, 501 tienda de delicatessen - 305mInternational Market & Deli Lighthouse Avenue caridad - 378mGoodwill Lighthouse Avenue, 571 93940 antigüedades - 110mCannery Row Antique Mall Wave Street taller de masaje - 391mJade Health Center Lighthouse Avenue, 443 93940 Bazar - 311m7-Eleven Lighthouse Avenue, 398 93940 Monterey Teléfono: +1 831-887-8342 fotocopias - 491mMinuteman Press Reeside Avenue Bicicletas - 381mEpicenter Cycling Lighthouse Avenue tienda de camas - 350m - Lighthouse Avenue, 296 Muebles - 422mPoppleton's Fine Furnishings and Interior Design Dickman Avenue tienda de música - 331mRecycled Records Lighthouse Avenue, 604 Horario de apertura: 11:00-18:00 Optica - 611mSunglass Hut Cannery Row, 750 93940 Monterey Teléfono: +1 831 641-0867Restauración Comida rápida - 302mTaqueria del Mar Lighthouse Avenue, 530 93940 Teléfono: 8313727887 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:30-21:00; Su 11:30-04:00 Comida rápida - 351mSubway Lighthouse Avenue, 296 93940 Monterey Teléfono: +1 831-333-1629 Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 00:30-01:00; Su 08:00-21:00 Cafeterías - 105mWave Street Café Wave Street, 550 Teléfono: +1-831-718-8171 Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 08:00-15:00; Sa-Su 08:00-16:00 Cafeterías - 214mTidal coffee Cannery Row Cafeterías - 246mCafe La Strada Cannery Row Cafeterías - 202mCannery Row Deli Drake Avenue Restaurantes - 160mChart House Cannery Row, 444 93940 Monterey Restaurantes - 316mCrystal Fish Lighthouse Avenue, 530 Restaurantes - 313mPelican Pizza Lighthouse Avenue, 530 Restaurantes - 366mHula's Island Grill Lighthouse Avenue, 622 93940 Restaurantes - 368mLouie Linguini's Cannery Row Restaurantes - 300mNamaste India Bistro Lighthouse Avenue, 530 Restaurantes - 294mLalla Oceanside Grill Cannery Row, 654 93940 Teléfono: 8313240891 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 Restaurantes - 313mJose Mexican Grill Wave Street, 638 Restaurantes - 308mWonju Restaurant Lighthouse Avenue Restaurantes - 307mSakura Lighthouse Avenue Restaurantes - 209mEl Torito Mexican Food Cannery Row, 600 93940 Monterey Restaurantes - 397mZab Zab Thai Lighthouse Avenue, 401 93940 Restaurantes - 389mDos Victorias Mexican Food Cannery Row, 299 Restaurantes - 325mPoke Time Lighthouse Avenue Restaurantes - 235mSchooners Coastal Kitchen Cannery Row Bares - 418mSegovia's Tavern Lighthouse Avenue, 652 Pubs - 307mCooper's Pub & Restaurant Cannery Row, 643Otros Papeleras - 355m - Lighthouse Avenue Papeleras - 386m - Cannery Row Papeleras - 383m - Cannery Row estudio - 624mWave Street Studios Wave Street, 774 events_venue - 419mThe Greene Mansion Lighthouse Avenue animal_boarding - 537mCosa de Amigos Animal Hotel Foam Street Veterinario - 585mMonterey Animal Hospital Foam Street Máquinas de vending - 443m - Cannery Row, 711 office-lawyer - 260mKenneth J. Kroopf, Attorney McClellan Avenue shop-flooring - 381mCarpets & Floors, Inc Lighthouse Avenue, 471 93940 shop-rental - 398mChic Wedding & Event Rentals Lighthouse Avenue, 485 93940 dive_centre - 347mBamboo Reef Scuba Diving Centers Lighthouse Avenue, 614 93940 Monterey Horario de apertura: Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00; Sa-Su 07:00-18:00 shop-lighting - 425mLighthouse Lighting & Lamps Lighthouse Avenue, 652 shop-leather - 402mThe Leather Company Lighthouse Avenue, 652 dojo - 393mMonterey Budokan Martial Arts Academy Lighthouse Avenue, 652 shop-chocolate - 344mGhirardelli Cannery Row shop-health_food - 532mMonterey's Tasty Olive Bar Cannery Row Venta de Helados - 327mBaskin-Robbins Lighthouse Avenue, 406 93940 Monterey Teléfono: +1 831-375-3131 Horario de apertura: Mo-Su 11:00-22:00 shop-psychic - 489mMrs. Laurie Palm and Tarot Reader Cannery Row, 711 Fuentes - 250m - Cannery Row Fuentes - 389mCannery Row Monument Cannery Row office-financial_advisor - 201mJohn Pira - Raymond James Drake Avenue Toilets - 309m - Wave Street office-architect - 552mMonterey Design Center Cannery Row, 201 shop-camera - 521mBackscatter Underwater Video & Photo Cannery Row, 201 Agua potable - 696m - shop-collector - 299mCurrent Comics Lighthouse Avenue, 400 93940 Monterey Horario de apertura: Mo-Sa 11:00-19:00; Tu 12:00-18:00; We 10:00-19:00; Su 12:00-17:00 Servicios Sociales - 473mDrake House Hawthorne Street boat_rental - 381mAdventures By The Sea Cannery Row, 299 shop-trophy - 432mWinners Awards Foam Street Calles conectadas Listado de calles y plazas que están conectadas con
Cannery Row